Monthly Archives: August 2012

Movement Confirmed!


Well it is official.  Matt got to feel Miss Noelle move last night.  At a mere 23 weeks she’s kicking away so much that you can feel it from the outside.  She was moving a few nights ago but she stopped when Matt tried to feel her.

It seems that she is a bit nocturnal.  Every time I lay down to go to bed she becomes a swimmer or a soccer player, I haven’t decided.  I’m sure that her kicks will become stronger since in the next 3 weeks she is supposed to double in size.  She is quite the little personality already and my love for her grows daily.  I am excited to finally be done moving so I can focus on making our house a home for our growing family.

Half Way!


Well we are officially just over half way to meeting our baby GIRL!  Yes, that’s right, we’re having a girl.  To fill you in on this journey, miss Noelle Joy Leady got her name through a very special prayer time between her daddy and God.  We were freaking out about our little surprise pregnancy and Matt went on a walk to pray.  As he was on this walk, God began to give him peace and told him the baby’s name would be Noelle Joy because she would be the birth of our joy.  A few months later, it was confirmed, we’re having a baby girl and I have no doubts that she will bring us joy! 


21 week old Noelle Joy, already smiling and living up to her name.